Children and Youth Ministry
Every Sunday morning, the youngest of our children (ages 3 and up) go downstairs to have a lesson, activity, snack, and play time. During this time, they are learning about different aspects of the service, seasons of the Christian year, how to pray, and just have time to be a kid. During the year, there will be times they do a short program for the congregation during worship. They meet with Bonnie Ratcliff, DCE, who has 15+ years of experience with children of all ages.
Schedule for the School Year 2025
January - April
January - April
All kids and youth are invited to attend our Wednesday night fun, food, and lesson time. Our kids group consists of current 2nd - 6th graders. Then, our youth are current 7th - 12th graders. If you have a kid and/or youth that is interested in participating in our kid/youth group, we would love to have them. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Bonnie Ratcliff (Director of Christian Education). You may either call or text (706-936-0327) or email the church at [email protected].
On Wednesday nights, we will play games, eat a dinner, usually homemade, and have a lesson. While the games and dinner is all together, the lesson portion will be at separate times for each group. See below for the schedule.
This year, our kids will be learning all the books of the Bible, in order and learn how to look up scripture all while having lots of fun. Our youth will be getting a better understanding of different religions in the world and how they are different than Christianity. Knowing about other religions also helps one understand better your own religion and helps us to become more understanding of other people.
On Wednesday nights, we will play games, eat a dinner, usually homemade, and have a lesson. While the games and dinner is all together, the lesson portion will be at separate times for each group. See below for the schedule.
This year, our kids will be learning all the books of the Bible, in order and learn how to look up scripture all while having lots of fun. Our youth will be getting a better understanding of different religions in the world and how they are different than Christianity. Knowing about other religions also helps one understand better your own religion and helps us to become more understanding of other people.
Schedule for Kids
(1st & 3rd Wednesdays) 5:30pm - Games 6:00pm - Dinner 6:30pm - Lesson & Activity |
Schedule for Youth
(2nd & 4th Wednesdays) 5:30pm - Games 6:00pm - Dinner 6:30pm - Lesson & activity |
5th Wednesdays are game nights for all ages!
This is a great devotional, especially for our children and youth. It is designed with them in mind. Each devotional has 5 components (Pause, Listen, Think, Pray, Go) and it only take a few minutes each day. You can click on the link or download the app on your phone, both Google and Apple.
App Store Search: d365 daily devotionals |