Weekly Announcements
Social Media. Be sure to check out our social media pages (Facebook and Instagram) for all the latest news and updates!
Facebook: Auburn Presbyterian Church
Instagram: auburnpreschurch
October 6 is a busy Sunday. It is World Communion Sunday, a Sunday where all over the world, churches will celebrate communion. Following worship there will be a Fried Chicken dinner with awesome sides.
Session Meeting will be Sunday, October 6 at 9am in the Fellowship Hall.
A children's activity table is located in the back on the sanctuary for all children of God. Please return the items back at the end of the service so they can reused next Sunday.
Joy IN Chaos, an evening Adult Bible Study will be on the 4th Thursday starting at 6pm. We will be studying the book of Philippians. This study is once a month and will conclude in April, skipping December. October's passage will be Philippians 1:12-30.
Deacons/Creative Ministry Committees, starting in September, will be meeting on Thursday nights starting at 6pm.
We will have acolytes! The children are extremely excited to be taking part in this important piece for worship. They will be bringing the Christ Light and leading us out into the world with it.
Our church is under construction! What great things have been happening in our church! We have a new sound booth and new storage areas downstairs. We are so excited and feel very blessed to be able to have these improvements. We would like to thank our congregation as they endure some changes, the Nebraska Presbyterian Foundation for blessing us with a grant, for Wilson Electric and ET Construction LLC for making these improvements reality.
Facebook: Auburn Presbyterian Church
Instagram: auburnpreschurch
October 6 is a busy Sunday. It is World Communion Sunday, a Sunday where all over the world, churches will celebrate communion. Following worship there will be a Fried Chicken dinner with awesome sides.
Session Meeting will be Sunday, October 6 at 9am in the Fellowship Hall.
A children's activity table is located in the back on the sanctuary for all children of God. Please return the items back at the end of the service so they can reused next Sunday.
Joy IN Chaos, an evening Adult Bible Study will be on the 4th Thursday starting at 6pm. We will be studying the book of Philippians. This study is once a month and will conclude in April, skipping December. October's passage will be Philippians 1:12-30.
Deacons/Creative Ministry Committees, starting in September, will be meeting on Thursday nights starting at 6pm.
We will have acolytes! The children are extremely excited to be taking part in this important piece for worship. They will be bringing the Christ Light and leading us out into the world with it.
Our church is under construction! What great things have been happening in our church! We have a new sound booth and new storage areas downstairs. We are so excited and feel very blessed to be able to have these improvements. We would like to thank our congregation as they endure some changes, the Nebraska Presbyterian Foundation for blessing us with a grant, for Wilson Electric and ET Construction LLC for making these improvements reality.