Weekly Announcements
Social Media. Be sure to check out our social media pages (Facebook and Instagram) for all the latest news and updates!
Facebook: Auburn Presbyterian Church
Instagram: auburnpreschurch
Fellowship meal on January 12 following worship service.
Kids/Youth Ministry starts back up on Wednesdays! Every Wednesday, there will be a singular age group (except on a 5th Wednesday where we will play group games) from 5:30pm - 7:30pm. The 1st & 3rd Wednesday's will be for kids, grade 3rd - 6th and the 2nd & 4th Wednesday will be for youth, grades 7th - 12th. There will always be a game, dinner, and a lesson. For questions, please contact Bonnie Ratcliff, DCE at [email protected] or 706-936-0327.
Annual Meeting will be on Feb. 2. There will be a meal following worship and annual meeting. If you have a report to write, please turn them into Linda Moody by January 15th.
Diaper Pantry is in need of diapers of all sizes and wipes. If you are able, please help them out. This is a great ministry that is being used within our community. Diapers are very expensive and for those families that are on a limited salary, they can be tough to get.
A children's activity table is located in the back on the sanctuary for all children of God. Please return the items back at the end of the service so they can reused next Sunday.
Joy IN Chaos, an evening Adult Bible Study will be on the 4th Thursday starting at 6pm. We will be studying the book of Philippians. This study is once a month and will conclude in April, skipping December.